Home / EXPLORE OUR BEST SELLERS / Amigo Shabbat Mobility Scooter - from DT Scooters

Amigo Shabbat Mobility Scooter - from DT Scooters

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    Amigo Shabbat Mobility Scooter - from DT Scooters

    Exclusive Offer! Order the Amigo Shabbat Scooter and receive free shipping, have your scooter shipped to you so get ready to ride! Also, save up to $100 off of your next vacation by purchasing your scooter from our store!


    • Halachically-approved for use on the Sabbath
    • This add-on is available on Amigo RT Express, RD and HD models
    • Certified by the Zomet Institute

    Amigo is a brand that almost everyone has seen at one point as they often are the manufacturers of the carts that you see in grocery stores and big box stores like Walmart! They are a reputable brand with history that make products that are typically reliable and long lasting. The Amigo Shabbat Scooter is the only "Kosher" certified mobility vehicle! This scooter is a technologically advanced halachically-approved mobility scooter for riders who want to honor the Sabbath. The halachic principles involved are gramma (indirect operation) and “continuous change of current.”

    The Shabbat Scooter is available on the Amigo RD, RT Express, and HD models. There is a a toggle switch that changes the operation from normal to Shabbat mode. The Shabbat mode does not have a throttle lever activation by the rider and the module’s timing circuit sets the chair into idle motion after a short delay (approx. 10 seconds). This satisfies the “no work” Sabbath restriction. What we love about this model is that every single Amigo Shabbat Scooter unit is individually inspected and certified by a Zomet Institute representative.

    Click HERE to view video demonstration of the Amigo Shabbat Mobility Scooter!

    Click HERE to view our entire collection of Scooter videos and more on our YouTube Channel!

    Visit our Resources section to view brochures, owner's manual, and more!

    Scooter Model Key For Variants:

    RD = Amigo RD

    RT = Amigo RT

    RTJR = Amigo RT Express Jr

    RDD = Amigo RD Deluxe

    RTD = Amigo RT Express Deluxe

    RTJRD = Amigo RT Express Jr Deluxe

    HD = Amigo Heavy Duty

    Dynamite Destinations For This Scooter

    Because of its size we recommend that this scooter be one that you ride in your hometown and/or on road trips that may be nearby if you have the appropriate carrier/lift for this model! We always recommend that you ride safely and adhere to the destination travel/riding laws.


    The colors listed are standard colors provided by the manufacturer. This manufacturer is #sodynamite because you can choose any color of the rainbow to make your personal Amigo complete with your personal color and design preference! We recommend that you visit a paint store to look at color samples and provide us with the color information. This allows the manufacturer to match any color you choose. To have your Amigo painted a custom color, it is a $400 charge and will take approximately two weeks to complete. This perk is available for all Amigo mobility scooter models!

    Please be sure to check your entire shipment package box for contents before throwing it away as some parts may be packaged separately.

    We recommend that riders be able to stand and walk independently or with limited assistance and have good vision, strength, coordination, and balance to safely operate the scooters and all other products available for purchase in our store. We also recommend that riders be able to mount and dismount their scooter and all other products without help, or high risk of falling.

    Please be mindful of the fact that the charge duration of your battery can vary depending on various factors including but not limited to: rider weight, rider speed, and the terrain that the scooter is being used on. Also note that if your scooter is sitting for a longer period of time your battery may lose power, die, and/or become inoperative. We suggest that you use your scooter regularly or at least turn it on and run it to help increase the likelihood of prolonging your batter life span. Please review your owner's manual for more details. 
